Talking Frankly Kōrero Pono

LGBTQi+ Community

Chris Harris Episode 3

Join Chris Harris and Dianne Davis this month, with special guests Professor William Spurlin,  who is Professor of English and Vice Dean/Education in the College of Business, Arts, Social Sciences at Brunel University London. Professor Spurlin has written extensively on the politics of gender and sexual dissidence and is widely known for his work in postcolonial queer studies and for examining sexuality as a significant vector of social organisation and cultural arrangement in colonial and postcolonial Africa, under National Socialism, and in the medical humanities.
Our second guest is Wellington City Councillor Fleur Fitzsimons, Fleur was first elected to Council after winning a by-election in 2017 and is one of two Paekawakawa/Southern Ward councillors for the 2019–22 triennium.  She  will be speaking on transgender issues and her experiences of raising a transgender child.  

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